Ask for a competitive offer

Let Konflinx, which has a nationwide network of hotels and conference facilities, help you book your next conference, meeting or event. We quickly put together a free, priced and clear presentation of conference rooms and activities with prices of venues that fit your criteria and needs. You can choose conference locations of your choice and/or let us make suitable suggestions.

With Konflinx's help, you entrust the time-consuming work with all the parts that conference planning requires to us. We send inquiries to conference facilities and ask for information on dates, capacity, meals, and activities according to your specifications.

We know that arranging a meeting can be challenging and finding the perfect venue is crucial to the success of the conference 🌞

Book a conference with us

Our flow - the Konflinx way

Look around!

Welcome on Konflinx. Look around in our venue catalogue and search for interesting places.

Create an inquiry

Fill inquiry form with your requirements, if you have not found any specific venues, don't worry - fill in the form with desired geographical or let us help you find the best location for you - all free of charge!

Processing of your request

We process your inquiry and send out the first inquiries immediately and ask for prices and your desired capacity in the premises, etc. The conference set-up can of course be changed during the project and we manage this in close cooperation with both facilities and you.


Our presentations are simple, accessible and contain all necessary information, including detailed pricing. If you will not be satisfied with our propsal then we will help you to fully satisfy your needs.

Select the preferabled conference venue

With our presentations in hand communicating options to decision makers is easy. Once you make the choice we'll assist you with formalities.

Enjoy your event!

You can enjoy your event! With Konflinx it was faster and easier than before and completely free! If you need additional help with your conference project, let us know and we can help.


Please give us your feedback so we can improve our services for the future and as well help you with your next conference project

Konflinx er din altomfattende partner til globale konferencer og events. Vores mission er at skabe innovative løsninger af høj kvalitet, der er skræddersyet til de unikke mål for dine sammenkomster, og som sikrer et rentabelt afkast af din investering. Med urokkelig dedikation skaber vi omhyggeligt de ideelle rammer for optimale hastigheder og guider dig gennem hvert trin fra koncept til udførelse. Vores evne til at tilpasse os dine krav kombineret med vores omfattende ekspertise og personlige service gør det muligt for os at skabe oplevelser, der passer til dit kernebudskab.

Vores ultimative mål for bookingfirmaet er at etablere det som fronten, det første valg, der springer i øjnene for alle konference- og eventbehov. Vi værdsætter succes højt, forstår dens afsmittende effekt til gavn for andre og stræber efter at skabe en inspirerende og positiv arbejdsplads for vores værdsatte medarbejdere.

Total venues
Total rooms